Hours : Mon To Friday - 08:00AM - 04:00PM, Saturday Closed

Message From The CEO

Dr. Faizan Kamal Joiya
CEO Mustafa Kamal Institute & Founder Kamal Diagnostic

Mustafa Kamal Institute of Nursing & Medical Sciences is making its best endeavors to ensure access to such education through Mustafa Kamal Institute (KIMS). As aspirant Nurses, you have the honor of studying at our premier institution; ones that rightly command an enviable academic reputation. As you go through this catalogue, you’ll see how you can tailor your educational experience here with a multifaceted, inter-disciplinary curriculum that immediately integrates clinical experience and community service; numerous optional electives; and an array of extra-curricular activities, all offering flexibility to match your personal interests and goals. We strive for evolution of health care by applying new and diverse strategies that create skilled, culturally competent health care professionals who place an emphasis on prevention, wellness, and cost-effective treatments. We also try to instill a passion for the lifelong process of reinventing yourself and aim to inculcate the values we hold dear. I am also confident that during your stay at KIMS, you will find yourself immersed in a professional environment that will challenge and inspire you, you will make friendships strong enough to last you a lifetime; gain skill sets that will help build your goals; and take along unforgettable experiences and memories. I welcome you all to Mustafa Kamal Institute of Nursing & Medical Sciences